
Our world-renowned biology faculty are passionate about teaching and research. Explore our faculty page to learn more about them and their work.

Peter Armbruster

Davis Family Professor and Co-Director of Graduate Studies
Regents Hall Science Center, room # 508
Phone: 202-687-2567
Email: paa9@georgetown.edu
Research Interests: Evolutionary dynamics of range expansion, adaptation genomics, diapause.

Armbruster Lab Website

Dylan Audette

Assistant Teaching Professor
Reiss Science Building, room 424
Phone: 202-784-5307
Email: da836@georgetown.edu
Interests: Scholarship of teaching and learning in science; transcriptional control of gene regulation; developmental biology.

Shweta Bansal

Shweta Bansal

Regents Hall Science Center, room # 510
Phone: 202-687-9256
Email: sb753@georgetown.edu
Research Interests: Network modeling of disease; quantitative disease ecology; epidemiology and public/animal health problems.

Bansal Lab Website
Edward Barrows

Edward Barrows

Professor Emeritus
Phone: 202-687-5841
Email: barrowse@georgetown.edu
Research Interests: Insect ecology, invasive species.

Barrows Lab website
shauna bennett

Shauna Bennett

Assistant Teaching Professor
Regents Hall Science Center, room # 357
Phone: 202-687-5708
Email: sb1949@georgetown.edu
Research Interests: Cell and molecular biology, virology; science communication; science education.

Shaun Brinsmade

Shaun Brinsmade

Regents Hall Science Center, room # 324 
Phone: 202-687-6549
Email: sb1344@georgetown.edu
Research Interests: Bacterial pathogenesis; nutrient sensing.

Brinsmade Lab Website
Isaac Sandoval

Isaac Cervantes-Sandoval

Assistant professor
Regents Hall Science Center, room # 414
Phone: 202-687-3853
Email: Isaac.Cervantes.Sandoval@georgetown.edu
Research Interests: Molecular and cellular mechanisms of learning and memory; forgetting memories using the fruit fly as an animal model.

Cervantes-Sandoval Lab Website

Mun Chun (MC) Chan

Associate Teaching Professor
Regents Hall Science Center, room # 355
Phone: 202-687-9254
Email: mc2198@georgetown.edu
Interests: Disease of the skeletomuscular and cardiovascular systems; Science education. 


Dail Chapman

Assistant Teaching Professor
Regents Hall Science Center, room # 341
Phone: 202-687-5734
Email: dc1350@georgetown.edu
Research Interests: molecular biophysics and neurobiology, science education

Thomas coate

Thomas Coate  

Associate Professor and Director of Undergraduate Studies
Regents Hall Science Center, room # 410
Phone: 202-687-9143
Email: tmc91@georgetown.edu
Research Interests: Developmental neuroscience; axon guidance; inner ear neurobiology.

Coate Lab Website
Alexandra DeCandia

Alexandra DeCandia

Assistant Teaching Professor
Reiss Science Building, room # 422
Phone: 202-687-0310
Email; ald86@georgetown.edu
Research Interests: wildlife conservation genetics, microbiomes, and disease; science education and communication.

DeCandia Lab Website

Heidi Elmendorf

Associate Professor
Regents Hall Science Center, room # 318
Phone: 202-687-9883
Email: hge@georgetown.edu
Research Interests: Cell biology of Giardia; genome organization and structure.

Elmendorf Lab Website
Jeanetta Floyd

Jeanetta Floyd

Assistant Teaching Professor
Regents Hall Science Center, room # 375
Phone: 202-687- 5639
Email: jf1605@georgetown.edu
Interests: molecular microbiology, microbial metagenomics, and science education. 

Jennifer Fox 

Teaching Professor and Director of the Biology Major
Regents Hall Science Center, room # 373
Phone: 202-687-5767
Email: jaf243@georgetown.edu
Interests: Life history evolution; ecological genetics.


Matthew Hamilton 

Associate Professor and Director of Undergraduate Studies
Regents Hall Science Center, room # 508
Phone: 202-687-5924
Email: hamiltm1@georgetown.edu
Research Interests: Population genetics and mathematical biology. 

Hamilton Lab Website

Haiyan He

Assistant Professor
Regents Hall Science Center, room # 412
Phone: 202-687- 3834
Email: hh772@georgetown.edu
Research Interests: Experience-dependent structural and functional plasticity in the visual system; Metaplasticity; Development and refinement of the inhibitory neuronal circuit and its roles in the etiology of neurodevelopmental disorders.

He Lab Website

Michael Hickey 

Assistant Teaching Professor
Regents Hall Science Center, room # 357 
Phone: 202-687-4452
Email: hickeyma@georgetown.edu 
Interests: Immunology; undergraduate education.

Jeffrey Huang

Provost’s Distinguished Associate Professor
Regents Hall Science Center, room # 406 
Phone: 202-687-1741
Email:  jh1659@georgetown.edu
Research Interests: CNS neuron-glia interactions, myelin biogenesis, inflammation, and regeneration.

Huang Lab Website
Dan Isaac

Daniel Isaac 

Biology Program Manager 
Reiss Science Building, room # 428 
Phone: 202-687-5357
Email: di75@georgetown.edu
Interests: bacterial stress response, enterotoxigenic E. coli pathogenesis, the history of neuroscience, undergraduate and graduate student education and mentoring.

Sarah Johnson

Regents Hall Science Center, room # 514
Phone: 202-687-3893
Email: sj599@georgetown.edu
Research Interests: Geobiology, Astrobiology.

Johnson Lab Website
Kathleen Maguire-Zeiss

Kathleen Maguire-Zeiss  

Research Building EPO8
Phone: 202-687-2791
Email: km445@georgetown.edu
Research Interests: Neuroinflammation; misfolded protein disorders; neuron-glia communication; neurodegenerative diseases

Maguire-Zeiss Lab Website

Peter Marra

Professor of Biology and Director of The Earth Commons Institute
Regents Hall Science Center, room # 391
Phone: 202-687-3335
Email: ppm28@georgetown.edu
Research Interests: Migratory Birds, Conservation

Marra Lab Website
Janet Mann

Janet Mann

Regents Hall Science Center, room # 516 
Phone: 202-687-1307
Email: mannj2@georgetown.edu
Research Interests: Behavior of dolphins; mother-calf interactions; social networks.
Projects: Shark Bay Dolphin Project, Potomac-Chesapeake Dolphin Project

Joseph Neale

Joseph Neale  

Emeritus Professor
Phone: 202-791-7651
Email: nealej@georgetown.edu
Interests: NAAG neuropeptide, pain


Timothy Newfield 

Associate Professor
ICC – Edward B. Bunn S.J. Intercultural Center
Phone: 202-687-6061
Email: tpn11@georgetown.edu
Interests: Historical epidemiology; interdisciplinary premodern environmental history; origins and late Holocene history of infectious diseases of humans and livestock.


Manus Patten

Teaching Professor
Regents Hall Science Center, room # 347
Phone: 202-687-5731
Email: mmp64@georgetown.edu
Interests: Evolutionary genetics.

Patten Lab Website

Leslie Ries

Associate Professor
Regents Hall Science Center, room # 530
Phone: 202-687-5678
Email: lr354@georgetown.edu
Research Interests: Butterfly community dynamics; biogeography, climate and land-use change, ecological and biodiversity informatics.
Websites: Ries Lab Website, MonarchNet, Butterfly Monitoring Network

Ronda Rolfes

Ronda Rolfes

Professor and Chair
Regents Hall Science Center, room # 308
Phone: 202-687-5881
Email: rolfesr@georgetown.edu
Research Interests:  Regulation of gene expression; Genetics of yeasts Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Candida albicans

Rolfes Lab Website

Mark Rose

Paduano Distinguished Professor
Regents Hall Science Center, room # 304
Phone: 202-687-5574
Email: mr1513@georgetown.edu
Research Interests: Cell biology in the budding yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae; cell and nuclear fusion, regulation of meiosis.

Anne Rosenwald

Regents Hall Science Center, room # 306
Phone: 202-687-5997
Email:  rosenwaa@georgetown.edu
Research Interests: Protein trafficking in Saccharomyces cerevisiae; cell wall biosynthesis in Candida glabrata; microbial genomics.

Elena Silva

Regents Hall Science Center, room # 408
Phone: 202-687-0858
Email: emc26@georgetown.edu
Research Interests: Nervous system development.

Silva Lab Website

Steven Singer

Professor and Director of Biology of Global Health Major
Regents Hall Science Center, room # 310
Phone: 202-687-9884
Email: sms3@georgetown.edu
Research Interests: Host-parasite interactions, Giardia immunology.


Angela van Doorn

Assistant Teaching Professor
Reiss Science Building, room # 407
Phone: 202-687-5596
Email: av840@georgetown.edu
Research Interests: Conservation; anthropogenic impacts on ecosystems; science education.

Martha Weiss

Professor and Director of the Environmental Biology Major
Regents Hall Science Center, room # 414
Phone: 202-687-1822
Email: weissm@georgetown.edu
Research Interests: Evolutionary ecology; plant-animal interactions and butterfly learning, wasp learning and caterpillar behavior.

Weiss Lab Website

Gina Wimp

Professor and Co-Director of Graduate Studies
Regents Hall Science Center, room # 504
Phone: 202-687-8482
Email: gmw22@georgetown.edu
Research Interests: Community ecology; Genetic and environmental factors that structure biodiversity.

Wimp Lab Website

Tiffany Zarrella

Assistant Professor 
Regents Hall Science Center, room # 318
Phone: 202-784-5084
Email: tiffany.zarrella@georgetown.edu
Research Interests: Polymicrobial interactions, bacterial behaviors, molecular microbiology.

Zarrella lab website