How many applications do you receive per year, and out of those, how many do you usually accept into the program?

The number of applications received by the program varies from year to year and has been in the range of 50–75 recently.  The rate of acceptance depends on several different factors, including available space and the amount of funding available for graduate students. We are currently looking to accept 8 students per year into the Biology Ph.D. program.

Can I submit my GRE scores, even though they are not required?

We do not review GRE scores because we do not believe that they accurately predict success as a graduate student or as a scientist. If you submit scores, they will not be considered part of your application.

Is there a GPA requirement?

The Biology Ph.D. program does not have a minimum GPA requirement. We review applicants holistically, and GPA is one of many considerations. Other considerations include prior research experience, special circumstances that affected your GPA, fit between you and potential research advisor(s) or study areas, and other preparation for graduate school. 

Are there any specific undergraduate degree requirements or pre-requisite classes?

We expect students to have taken either a broad distribution of courses for a Biology major, or a narrower range of courses that might be from more specialized majors in Neuroscience, Molecular Biology, or Ecology & Evolution. However, if a student has not taken such courses, they will have the opportunity to take similar courses in their first two years. 

What types of students are typically accepted into the program? Are applicants coming straight from undergraduate programs, or do they have previous work experience and/or Master’s degrees?

We are interested in individuals who want to join a vibrant research community, and we believe that diverse perspectives make for stronger science. As for previous experience, some students join the program straight from undergrad, while others have Master’s degrees, and others take time to work between degrees.

How much does it cost to apply?

The application fee is $90.

Are there examples of successful CVs or statements of purpose that I can read?

We recommend Cientifico Latino as a resource, for example, CVs, Statements of Purpose, and information about applying to fellowships.

Does the Department of Biology offer a Master’s degree?

No, the only graduate degree offered in the Department of Biology is the Ph.D. For information on other programs and departments that offer Master’s degrees, please refer to the main website for the Georgetown University Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. Keep in mind that Master’s degrees are unfunded, while Ph.D. programs pay your tuition and salary.

What are the coursework requirements for the program?

The goal of the program coursework is to support and prepare students to excel in their research. The program requires a total of 16 credits; this is easily completed by taking one to two classes per semester in the first two years. Every first year student takes a “Graduate School Survival Skills” course that covers grant writing, presentation skills, and research ethics. The remainder of your credit requirements will be fulfilled by courses that match your specific research interests. 

What are the teaching requirements for the program?

All Ph.D. students in the program must serve as Teaching Assistants (sometimes called Teaching Fellows by the department) for a minimum of two semesters. Some people TA for additional semesters. Teaching Assistants typically run lab or recitation sections for a course that is taught by a professor.

What are the salary and benefits for graduate students?

Students who are accepted into our doctoral program are guaranteed a minimum of five years of full stipend funding. Stipend rates are set in compliance with the Collective Bargaining Agreement negotiated by Georgetown University and the Georgetown Alliance of Graduate Employees (GAGE), the graduate student labor union. You can read more about what it means to do a PhD in a union-protected graduate program here. Biology graduate students are paid on 12-month contracts; visit the GAGE website for the current and future minimum stipend information. The department provides full tuition waivers for all students for the duration of the program; PhD students do not pay any tuition. Students in the PhD program are also provided free student health insurance, free dental insurance, and free use of the Yates athletic facility. Graduate student workers are guaranteed six weeks of paid parental leave and six weeks of paid medical leave from their assistantship jobs. Please read the Graduate Funding page for more information about stipends.

What is the average timeframe for completion of the program?

Our students usually take an average of five years (5.3 years during the last decade) to complete all program requirements. The average time to degree varies by student and by lab; ask the current students and the PI of the lab you are interested in how long it took for recent graduates to complete their degree.

What else should I know about the program? 

We recommend asking questions to make sure that the lab and PI will be a good fit for you, your interests, and your working style. We strongly encourage you to contact current graduate students with questions about the program, the lab, and the lab culture. During the interview process, PIs will usually set up times for you to talk to current or previous students in the lab. If they don’t, feel free to ask them to put you in touch! This paper provides a good overview of what factors you should consider when looking for an advisor.

Is it possible to complete the program as a part-time student?

Generally, the Ph.D. program is one that is full-time only. However, it may be possible under unusual or extenuating circumstances to consider exceptions.

Although I submitted my application by the required deadline date, the system is still showing my application as being “incomplete.” Will my application still be considered?

It is important for you to ensure that you submit your application by the required deadline date. However, sometimes supporting documents to your application (i.e. transcripts, letters of recommendation, etc.) that are sent from third-party sources separately may arrive at the Graduate School Office of Admissions at different times, or may arrive as a hard copy rather than electronically. As the Graduate School Office of Admissions receives a very high volume of applications (often all at once), it may take up to two (2) weeks after the submission deadline date for them to process all application credentials and input them into the system. If, after these two weeks have passed, you notice that your application is still reading as “incomplete,” please contact the Graduate School Office of Admissions directly, and they will do their best to assist you in resolving the situation.

Please be advised that all inquiries directly related to the receipt and processing of application materials must be directed to the Graduate School Office of Admissions, as the Biology office does not directly accept or process any of these documents.

For International Students

What is the average TOEFL score for students accepted into the program?

On average, the Admissions Committee looks for a score of 100 or better on the TOEFL (for international students). However, each application is reviewed and considered on an individual case-by-case basis, and these average scores can vary.

Do you accept the IBT (internet-based TOEFL) test in lieu of the TOEFL?

Yes, the IBT test is the TOEFL.  This is a required component of the application for all international students whose native language is not English. Additional information on foreign language requirements for Georgetown University can be found on the Application Requirements Checklist page of the website for the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences.

What if I do not believe my TOEFL scores will be sent to Georgetown University before the application deadline?

Please be advised that while score reports may be received after the application deadline, the test(s) must have been taken before this date, which is December 15th.