An Award Ceremony to Encourage Future Work
Every year the Biology Department recognizes extraordinary undergraduate work. For those individual students that exhibit the drive necessary to make new strides in science, the Department of Biology hosts an award ceremony to encourage and promote the next steps of these young scientists into the field.
The Chapman Medal is granted to the undergraduate with the most outstanding research project. In honor of George Chapman, the award is intended to honor the integrity of research as Chapman himself initiated the Senior Thesis. For the 2016-2017 school year, the Chapman Medal has been awarded Emma Spikol for her research under Dr. Eric Glastow.
Emma Spikol, our Chapman Medal winner, and her research mentor, Dr. Eric Glasgow
The Biology Medal recognizes the students for the innate dedication to the field of Biology. After demonstrating a passion for the progression of science, the award is intended to honor the resilience and determination required to make a commitment to science. For the 2016-2017 school year, the Biology Medal has been awarded to Breanna Walsh, Ali Galezo, Emma Spikol, and Marissa Stepler.
Biology Medal winners (Breanna Walsh, Ali Galezo, Emma Spikol, and Marissa Stepler, plus faculty).
The Book awards are granted to recognize excellence in student presentations for their research. For the 2016-2017 academic school year, Lizzi Borneman, Ian Caplan, Vinodh Balendran, the RISE Ranger, Kurt Hill, Olivia Reyes, and Neha Shah have been given the Book awards.
Book WInners: Lizzi Borneman, Ian Caplan, Vinodh Balendran, the RISE Ranger, Elena Silva, Kurt Hill, Olivia Reyes, and Neha Shah