Archive: News Story
165 Articles
- News Story
Congratulations to Professor Mun Chun Chan
Georgetown honors members of the university community for their teaching, scholarship and service every year. This year Professor Mun Chun Chan from the department of Biology at…
May 15, 2020
- News Story
Nicole Wagner wins a DOD National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship!
Congratulations to Nicole Wagner for being selected for the DOD National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate.…
May 13, 2020
- News Story
Nicole Wagner selected for the DOD National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship!
Nicole Wagner was recently selected for the DOD National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship. According to their website, “The DoD NDSEG Fellowship Program,…
May 13, 2020
- News Story
Former Georgetown Student Honored with Soros Fellowship for New Americans
Stefano Daniele, a former Georgetown student, was recently honored with a Soros Fellowship for New Americans as an MD-PhD student at.…
April 14, 2020
- News Story
Former Georgetown Student Honored with Soros Fellowship for New Americans
Stefano Daniele, a son of immigrants, Stefano became interested in studying neuroscience after his grandmother was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. His undergraduate…
April 14, 2020
- News Story
New course created by Professor Heidi Elmendorf.
COVID-19: Theory and Action in a Time of Pandemic. A new multi-disciplinary course created by Professor Heidi Elmendorf. Read to discover about this timely course and why it was…
April 9, 2020
- News Story
Professor Gina Wimp awarded Department of Biology Faculty Mentor Award!
Biology Professor Gina Wimp was awarded the Faculty Mentor Award, a student-nominated award that recognizes her consistently excellent mentorship to students in the department…
April 8, 2020
- News Story
Professor Gina Wimp awarded Department of Biology Faculty Mentor Award!
Biology Professor Gina Wimp was awarded the Faculty Mentor Award, a student-nominated award that recognizes her consistently excellent mentorship to students in the department…
April 8, 2020
- News Story
Professor Shweta Bansal Answers to COVID-19 FAQs
Check out the list of answers to COVID-19 FAQs. It is created by Professor Shweta Bansal from the department of Biology, and the head of the disease ecology and research lab at…
March 24, 2020
- News Story
Professor Janet Mann fascinating speech
Janet Mann, Vice Provost for Research (2013-2017) and Professor of Biology and Psychology at Georgetown University, gave a sold-out speech on January 26, 2020. Professor Mann…
January 30, 2020