Archive: News Story
163 Articles
- News Story
Steidle and Morrisette of the Rolfes Lab publish a new paper
This winter, Victoria A. Morrisette and Elizabeth A. Steidle of the Rolfes Lab published a paper of their research on the enzyme Siw14 in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae.…
December 17, 2019
- News Story
Congrats to Dr. Vivianne Morrison of the Huang lab for publishing a new paper
Dr. Vivianne Morrison, one of Georgetown University's postdoctoral students, recently published a paper titled Retinoic Acid Is Required for Oligodendrocyte Precursor Cell…
November 27, 2019
- News Story
Professor Bansal Honored as Distinguished Investigator
The Distinguished Investigator Recognition honored Professor Bansal, along with 26 other professors, for excelling in sponsored research. Professor Bansal’s research group uses…
November 4, 2019
- News Story
Congratulations Caitlin and Kathy on being selected as NSF Graduate Fellows
Dissimilar from most graduate student, Catilin is also a graduate of Georgetown’s Undergraduate program. She worked with Tim Beach’s lab on a project looking at human and…
November 4, 2019
- News Story
Georgetown Features: Women in Science Progressing Science One Woman at a Time
The women in Georgetown’s scientific community create an ever-lasting impact on the progression of physical, computer, social, and life sciences, as well as mathematics and…
November 4, 2019
- News Story
Brinsmade Lab Grabs the National Institute of Health’s Attention
The Brinsmade lab was awarded an NIH Exploratory/Developmental Research grant to fund their work investigating the interface of metabolism and pathogenesis in Gram-positive…
November 4, 2019
- News Story
The Huang Lab will be Improving the Quality of Healthcare for 3 More Years
Professor Huang runs a successful laboratory striving to make an impact on the current knowledge of central nervous system development. After receiving a new grant for…
November 4, 2019
- News Story
A Success Story of a Student-Teacher Collaboration
As technology continues to advance, scientists are always trying to find new and exciting ways to reap the benefits. Professor Bansal, in a special supplemental issue of the…
November 4, 2019
- News Story
Representing Georgetown Well: The Success of 3 Biology Professors at the XXV International Congress
In September, 2016, the International Congress of Entomology hosted 6,600 participants to present their research on insects at the conference Entomology without Borders.…
November 4, 2019
- News Story
Neuroethics Studies Scholar Awarded Fulbright
Alisha Dua, a former undergraduate scholar of the Neuroethics Studies Program, has won and is currently participating in a Fulbright United Kingdom Partnership Award to complete…
November 4, 2019