Archive: External Links

93 Articles

News Story

Antarctica Expedition Could Help Solve Mars’ Question of Life

Professor Johnson, along with her research team, aims to conduct the first-ever DNA sequencing done on the continent. In hopes of investigating potential life beyond Earth, she…

November 4, 2019

News Story

Recognizing Graduate Student Research at GUMCGSO

Alyssa King and Kevin Mlynek are among a select group of students given the honor to give and oral presentation after they poster-presented their work. After presenting to the…

November 4, 2019

News Story

Making Georgetown Proud: Kaitlyn Choi wins the John Doctor Education Prize

After joining our faculty as an Assistant Teaching Professor this fall, Dr. Choi created the video “My Fate is in Your Hands: Inductive Signals for Cell Fate Determination.”…

November 4, 2019


November 4, 2019

News Story

What’s the Buzz? Biology Professors work to make Georgetown a “Bee Campus”

This year, Georgetown is working to earn designation as a Bee Campus, a status indicating that the University is committed to increasing the number of pollinators, native and-…

October 24, 2019

News Story

Biology Professors Ride to Support MS Research

On Sunday, September 8th, three professors from the Biology Department biked as a part of Team Georgetown at the Bike MS ride, an event that raises money for the National…

September 8, 2019

News Story

Another larger review on the efficacy of NAAG in animal models of several clinical disorders is in the press in a top-ranked journal.

Joseph H. Neale, Professor of Biology at Georgetown demonstrates the importance of NAAG, a peptide neurotransmitter that is widely present in our nervous system. He concludes…

September 6, 2019

News Story

Professor Peter Marra and Georgetown climate experts demand climate change action

Dr. Peter Marra, professor and researcher of Environmental Biology at Georgetown, joined other climate change experts at the university in emphasizing the danger that climate…

September 6, 2019

News Story

Dr. Leslie Ries and her colleagues in Ohio, Oregon, and Michigan recently published a study in PLoS ONE about the decline of butterflies in Ohio.

Dr. Leslie Ries, along with researches from Oregon State University, Ohio lepidopterists, and Michigan State University, analyzed more than 24,000 butterfly surveys contributed…

July 9, 2019

News Story

Article on our very own Dr. Peter Armbruster doing research on mosquitoes!

Davis Family Distinguished Professor Dr. Armbruster has been studying mosquitoes for over 30 years now. His newest project about the insect revolves around studying the genes…

June 26, 2019