Publications in 2013


Arab, A., & Wimp, G. M. (2013). Plant production and alternate prey channels impact the abundance of top predators. Oecologia, 173(2), 331-341.

Bartelt, L. A., Roche, J., Kolling, G., Bolick, D., Noronha, F., Naylor, C., … & Guerrant, R. (2013). Persistent G. lamblia impairs growth in a murine malnutrition model. The Journal of Clinical Investigation, 123(6), 2672-2684.

Butler, L. K., Ries, L., Bisson, I. A., Hayden, T. J., Wikelski, M. M., & Romero, L. M. (2013). Opposite but analogous effects of road density on songbirds with contrasting habitat preferences. Animal Conservation, 16(1), 77-85.

Béraud, D., Hathaway, H. A., Trecki, J., Chasovskikh, S., Johnson, D. A., Johnson, J. A., … & Maguire-Zeiss, K. A. (2013). Microglial activation and antioxidant responses induced by the Parkinson’s disease protein α-synuclein. Journal of Neuroimmune Pharmacology, 8(1), 94-117.

Camacho, A., Huang, J. K., Delint‐Ramirez, I., Yew Tan, C., Fuller, M., Lelliott, C. J., … & Franklin, R. J. (2013). Peroxisome proliferator‐activated receptor gamma‐coactivator‐1 alpha coordinates sphingolipid metabolism, lipid raft composition and myelin protein synthesis. European Journal of Neuroscience, 38(5), 2672-2683.

Coate, T. M., & Kelley, M. W. (2013, May). Making connections in the inner ear: recent insights into the development of spiral ganglion neurons and their connectivity with sensory hair cells. In Seminars in Cell & Developmental Biology (Vol. 24, No. 5, pp. 460-469). Academic Press.

Dowling, Z., Ladeau, S. L., Armbruster, P., Biehler, D., & Leisnham, P. T. (2013). Socioeconomic status affects mosquito (Diptera: Culicidae) larval habitat type availability and infestation level. Journal of Medical Entomology, 50(4), 764-772.

Dowling, Z., Armbruster, P., LaDeau, S. L., DeCotiis, M., Mottley, J., & Leisnham, P. T. (2013). Linking mosquito infestation to resident socioeconomic status, knowledge, and source reduction practices in suburban Washington, DC. Ecohealth, 10(1), 36-47.

Driver, E. C., Sillers, L., Coate, T. M., Rose, M. F., & Kelley, M. W. (2013). The Atoh1-lineage gives rise to hair cells and supporting cells within the mammalian cochlea. Developmental Biology, 376(1), 86-98.

Foroughirad, V., & Mann, J. (2013). Long-term impacts of fish provisioning on the behavior and survival of wild bottlenose dolphins. Biological Conservation, 160, 242-249.

Gatti, J. W., Smithgall, M. C., Paranjape, S. M., Rolfes, R. J., & Paranjape, M. (2013). Using electrospun poly (ethylene-oxide) nanofibers for improved retention and efficacy of bacteriolytic antibiotics. Biomedical Microdevices, 15(5), 887-893.

Kopps, A. M., Krützen, M., Allen, S. J., Bacher, K., & Sherwin, W. B. (2014). Characterizing the socially transmitted foraging tactic “sponging” by bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops sp.) in the western gulf of Shark Bay, Western Australia. Marine Mammal Science, 30(3), 847-863.

Mann, J., & Patterson, E. M. (2013). Tool use by aquatic animals. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 368(1630), 20120424.

Martin, R., Safaee, S. D., Somsamouth, K., Mounivong, B., Sinclair, R., Bansal, S., & Singh, P. N. (2013). Mixed methods pilot study of sharing behaviors among waterpipe smokers of rural Lao PDR: implications for infectious disease transmission. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 10(6), 2120-2132.

Patten, M. M., Úbeda, F., & Haig, D. (2013). Sexual and parental antagonism shape genomic architecture. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 280(1770), 20131795.

Poelchau, M. F., Reynolds, J. A., Elsik, C. G., Denlinger, D. L., & Armbruster, P. A. (2013). RNA-Seq reveals early distinctions and late convergence of gene expression between diapause and quiescence in the Asian tiger mosquito, Aedes albopictus. Journal of Experimental Biology, 216(21), 4082-4090.

Poelchau, M. F., Reynolds, J. A., Elsik, C. G., Denlinger, D. L., & Armbruster, P. A. (2013). Deep sequencing reveals complex mechanisms of diapause preparation in the invasive mosquito, Aedes albopictus. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 280(1759), 20130143.

Poelchau, M. F., Reynolds, J. A., Denlinger, D. L., Elsik, C. G., & Armbruster, P. A. (2013). Transcriptome sequencing as a platform to elucidate molecular components of the diapause response in the Asian tiger mosquito Aedes albopictus. Physiological Entomology, 38(2), 173-181.

Solaymani-Mohammadi, S., & Singer, S. M. (2013). Regulation of intestinal epithelial cell cytoskeletal remodeling by cellular immunity following gut infection. Mucosal Immunology, 6(2), 369-378.

Stack, J. C., Bansal, S., Kumar, V. A., & Grenfell, B. (2013). Inferring population-level contact heterogeneity from common epidemic data. Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 10(78), 20120578.

Syed, Y. A., Baer, A., Hofer, M. P., González, G. A., Rundle, J., Myrta, S., … & Lubec, G. (2013). Inhibition of phosphodiesterase‐4 promotes oligodendrocyte precursor cell differentiation and enhances CNS remyelination. EMBO Molecular Medicine, 5(12), 1918-1934.

Tako, E. A., Hassimi, M. F., Li, E., & Singer, S. M. (2013). Transcriptomic analysis of the host response to Giardia duodenalis infection reveals redundant mechanisms for parasite control. MBio, 4(6).

Uma, D., Durkee, C., Herzner, G., & Weiss, M. (2013). Double deception: ant-mimicking spiders elude both visually-and chemically-oriented predators. PloS One, 8(11), e79660.

Wimp, G. M., Murphy, S. M., Lewis, D., Douglas, M. R., Ambikapathi, R., Gratton, C., & Denno, R. F. (2013). Predator hunting mode influences patterns of prey use from grazing and epigeic food webs. Oecologia, 171(2), 505-515.