Integrated Writing


All undergraduate degree programs at Georgetown University feature an Integrated Writing component to the major(s). The goal of the Integrated Writing requirement is two-fold: to help students hone their writing abilities in contexts, genres, and stylistic norms that are most relevant to their potential career goals, and to use written expression as a means of deepening students’ understanding of the discipline.

In this web page, we lay out both the goals of our requirement in Biology and the curricular components of the integrated writing requirement. We emphasize that this requirement is:

The Goals of Our Integrated Writing Requirement

What kinds of writing should our students learn to do?

The discipline of Biology is a “big tent” with practitioners engaging in a great breadth of communication genres.  In the scientific research community, there are numerous formal communication tasks (including but not limited to: papers – both primary reports and reviews, grant proposals, and conference presentations) and an even wider array of informal communication tasks.  In other professional communities that employ scientists – medicine, policy, education, law, business, etc. – the breadth of communication styles is even greater.

Our goals, then, are two-fold:

We recognize that there are forms of communication that are also important in the stage of entry into careers: resumes, interviews, application essays, portfolios, etc.  We will work with the Career Center to help students foster the development of these skills and tools.

The schematic represents the relative effort expended in each category at different stages of intellectual development.  “Novice” = Foundations courses, “Intermediate” = Gateway courses, and “Advanced” = upper-level coursework/RISE.

We emphasize Mechanics Goals early in the curriculum. A solid use of writing mechanics is a prerequisite of high order communication skills.  While mastery of mechanics is always expected, we show this category minimized at later stages to signify that we expect these skills to become rote.  A detailed description of the expected progression through Mechanics Goals for students in the Biology Department:

The diminished focus on Mechanics Goals is paired with an increased focus on Rhetoric Goals.  These Rhetoric Goals embody the craft of scientific communication and hence students should sound progressively more like authentic scientists in their communication as they progress in the curriculum.  A detailed description of the expected progression through Rhetoric Goals for students in the Biology Department:

Process Goals are the “how-to” goals – the steps that persuasive communicators take to develop their message.  There is an expectation that these will be a focus across the curriculum, although expectation of the level of accomplishment will obviously progress.  A detailed description of the expected progression through Process Goals for students in the Biology Department:

The Placement of WID in our Curricula

1st year
Biol-103/113 and Biol 104/114

2nd year
Gateway courses into the majors (Spring)

3rd year
Advanced courses
Research Tutorial

4th year
Advanced courses

1st year

2nd year

3rd year

4th year