Undergraduate Publications from the Department of Biology

Research is a vital focus of the faculty and curriculum in the Department of Biology. Across various labs, disciplines, and fields, our professors publish numerous journal articles each year. Publications are arranged by the year of graduation of the student. 

In Press

  • DeCandia, A., L. Adeduro, P. Thacher, A. Crosier, P. Marinari, R. Bortner, D. Garelle, T. Livieri, R. Santymire, P. Comizzoli, M. Maslanka, J. Maldonado, K. Koepfli, C. Muletz-Wolz, S. Bornbusch (in press) Gut bacterial composition shows sex-specific shifts during breeding season in ex situ managed black-footed ferrets. Journal of Heredity. [abstract ]
  • Bornbusch, S., A. Bamford, P. Thacher, A. Crosier, P. Marinari, R. Bortner, D. Garelle, T. Livieri, R. Santymire, P. Comizzoli, M. Maslanka, J. Maldonado, K. Koepfli, C. Muletz-Wolz, and A. DeCandia (2024) Markers of fertility in reproductive microbiomes of male and female endangered black-footed ferrets (Mustela nigripes). Communications Biology 7:224. doi: 10.1038/s42003-024-05908-0 [abstract ]
  • Pasciullo Boychuck, S., L. Brenner, C. Gagorik, J. Schamel, S. Baker, E. Tran, B. vonHoldt, K. Koepfli, J. Maldonado, and A. DeCandia (2024) The gut microbiomes of Channel Island foxes and island spotted skunks exhibit fine-scale differentiation across host species and island populations. Ecology and Evolution 14(2):e11017. doi: 10.1002/ece3.11017 [abstract ]
  • Rippel, T., A. DeCandia, M. Collier, C. McIntosh, S. Murphy, G. Wimp (2024) Habitat characteristics and plant community dynamics impact the diversity, composition, and co-occurrence of sediment fungal communities. Wetlands 44:3. doi: 10.1007/s13157-023-01756-6. [abstract ]
  • Rippel, T., A. DeCandia, J. Tomasula, C. McIntosh, S. Murphy, and G. Wimp (2023) Detritivores and exogenous nitrogen influence litter microbial communities in coastal salt marshes. Marine Ecology Progress Series 716:17-29. doi: 10.3354/meps14370. [abstract ]

Class of 2021 – 2024

  • Maguire B, Tomasula J, Rippel T, Wimp GM and Hamilton MB (2023) Sea level rise-induced habitat loss does not alter effective migration rate for the salt marsh insect Tumidagena minuta due to large genetic effective population size. Front. Ecol. Evol. 11:1160232. doi: 10.3389/fevo.2023.1160232
  • Singer, S. M, V. V. Angelova, H. DeLeon and E. Miskovsky (2020) What’s eating you?- Recent updates on Giardia, the microbiome and the immune response. Curr Opin Microbiol. 58: 87-92.
  • Collier, M., Mann, J., Ali, S.,Bansal, S. 2022. Impacts of Human Disturbance in Marine Mammals: Do behavioral changes translate to disease consequences? Ethology and Behavioral Ecology of Marine Mammals: The Human Factor. Ed. by Giuseppe Notarbartolo di Sciara and Bernd Würsig, Springer. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-98100-6_9
  • Dolezal, M., Foroughirad, V., Fish, F., Jacoby, A., Collier, M., Murphy, C., Rittmaster, K., Mann, J.  2023. Some like it hot: Temperature and hydrodynamic factors influence Xenobalanus globicipitis attachment to cetaceans. Marine Mammal Science.
  • Milan Dolezal and J. Lipps (2019) Digest: How many ways to make a snake? Evidence for historical contingency of the convergence of squamate reptiles. Evolution 73, 626-627.
  • Abigail Ludwigson, Victoria Huynh, Michael Bronsert, Kara Sloan, Colleen Murphy, Nicole Christian, Kshama Jaiswal, Gretchen Ahrendt, Sarah E. Tevis (2020) A screening tool identifies high distress in newly diagnosed breast cancer patientsSurgery., 2020 June 24. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.surg.2020.04.051
  • Mann, J.  Foroughirad, V. McEntee, M., Evans, T., Karniski, C., Krzyszczyk, E., Miketa, M., Patterson, E.M., Strohman, J., Wallen, M. 2021.  Elevated calf mortality and long-term responses of wild bottlenose dolphins to extreme climate events: Impacts of foraging specialization and provisioning. Frontiers in Marine Science. 8:617550 doi: 10.3389/fmars.2021.617550
  • Cerebral Creatine Deficiency Affects the Timing of Oligodendrocyte Myelination. Rosko LM, Gentile TSmith VN, Manavi Z, Melchor GS, Hu J, Shults NV, Albanese C, Lee Y, Rodriguez O, Huang JK. J Neurosci. 2023 Feb 15;43(7):1143-1153. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2120-21.2022. Epub 2023 Feb 2. PubMed PMID: 36732069; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC9962777.
  • Retinoic Acid Is Required for Oligodendrocyte Precursor Cell Production and Differentiation in the Postnatal Mouse Corpus Callosum.Morrison VE, Smith VN, Huang JK. eNeuro. 2020 Jan 22;7(1). pii: ENEURO.0270-19.2019. doi: 10.1523/ENEURO.0270-19.2019. Print 2020 Jan/Feb. PMID: 31879367

Class of 2019

  • Batz, Z.A., Brent, C.S., Marias, M.R.**, Sugijanto, J.**, Armbruster, P.A. 2019.  Juvenile hormone III but not 20-hydroxyecdysone regulates the embryonic diapause of Aedes albopictus.  Frontiers in Physiology, 10:1352.
  • M. Baydyuk, D.S. Cha, J. Hu, R. Yamazaki, Evan M. Miller, V.N. Smith, K.A. Kelly, and J.K. Huang (2019) Tracking the evolution of CNS remyelinating lesion in mice with neutral red dye. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America Jun 24. pii: 201819343. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1819343116. [Epub ahead of print]. PMID: 31235582. 
  • Morrison VE, Smith VN, Huang JK. eNeuro. 2020 Jan 22;7(1). pii: ENEURO.0270-19.2019. doi: 10.1523/ENEURO.0270-19.2019. Print 2020 Jan/Feb. PMID: 31879367. Retinoic Acid Is Required for Oligodendrocyte Precursor Cell Production and Differentiation in the Postnatal Mouse Corpus Callosum.
  • Nadella, S., J.Burks, A.Al-Sabban, G.Inyang, J.Wang, R.D. Tucker, M.E. Zamanis, William Bukowski, N.Shivapurkar, and J.P. Smith (2018) Dietary fat stimulates pancreatic cancer growth and promotes fibrosis of the tumor microenvironment through the cholecystokinin receptor. American Journal of Physiology-Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology 315, G699-G712.   

Class of 2018

  • L. Rosko, Victoria N. Smith, R. Yamazaki, and J.K. Huang (2018) Oligodendrocyte bioenergetics in health and disease. The Neuroscientist.  2018 Aug 20:1073858418793077. doi: 10.1177/1073858418793077.
  • Sarah Powell, M.M. Wallen, S. Bansal, and J. Mann (2018) Epidemiological investigation of tattoo-like skin lesions among bottlenose dolphins in Shark Bay, Australia. Science of the Total Environment 630: 774-780 
  • T. Wangsanut, Joshua M. Tobin, and R.J. Rolfes (2019) Functional mapping of transcription factor Grf10 that regulates adenine-responsive and filamentation genes in Candida albicans. mSphere 4(1) pii:e00094-19. 
  • Johnny S. Jung, K.D. Zhang, Z. Wang, M. McMurray, A. Tkaczuk, Y. Ogawa, R. Hertzano, and T.M. Coate (2019) Semaphorin-5B controls spiral ganglion neuron branch refinement during development. Journal of Neuroscience. Jun 17 epub. 
  • M. Baydyuk, D.S. Cha, J. Hu, R. Yamazaki, E.M. Miller, Victoria N. Smith, Katherine A. Kelly, and J.K. Huang (2019) Tracking the evolution of CNS remyelinating lesion in mice with neutral red dye. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2019 Jun 24. pii: 201819343. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1819343116. [Epub ahead of print]. PMID: 31235582

Class of 2017

  • Lena M.V Bichell, E. Krzyszczyk, E.M. Patterson, and J. Mann (2018) The reliability of pigment pattern-based identification of wild bottlenose dolphins. Marine Mammal Science 34, 113-134
  • M.M. Patten, Sara Carioscia, and C.R. Linnen (2015) Biased introgression of nuclear and mitochondrial genes: a comparison of diploid and haplodiploid systems. Molecular Ecology 24, 5200–5210.
  • William T. Rydzewski, Sara A. Carioscia, Gabriela Liévano, Victoria D. Lynch, and Patten M. M. (2016) Sexual antagonism and meiotic drive cause stable linkage disequilibrium and favour reduced recombination on the X chromosome. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 29, 1247–1256. 
  • Galezo, A., Krzyszczyk, E., Mann, J. (2017) Sexual segregation in Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins is driven by female avoidance of males. Behavioral Ecology. 10.1093/beheco/arx177
  • Alison Galezo, E. Krzyszczyk, and J. Mann (2018) Sexual segregation in Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins is driven by female avoidance of males. Behavioral Ecology 29,  377–386
  • Randal J. Harley, Joseph P. Murdy, Z. Wang, M.C. Kelly, T.F. Ropp, S.H. Park, P.F. Maness PF, P.B. Manis, and T.M. Coate (2018) Neuronal cell adhesion molecule (NrCAM) is expressed by sensory cells in the cochlea and is necessary for proper cochlear innervation and sensory domain patterning during development. Developmental Dynamics 247:934-950. 
  • M. Baydyuk, David S. Cha, J. Hu, R. Yamazaki, E.M. Miller, V.N. Smith, K.A. Kelly, and J.K. Huang (2019) Tracking the evolution of CNS remyelinating lesion in mice with neutral red dye. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2019 Jun 24. pii: 201819343. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1819343116. [Epub ahead of print]. PMID: 31235582
  • P. Sah, Jose Mendez, and S. Bansal (2019) A multi-species repository of social networks. Scientific Data 6, 44
  • Olivia Reyes, P. Sah, E. Lee, S. Chandra, C. Viboud, and S. Bansal (2018)  Spatial-temporal excess mortality patterns of the 1918–1919 influenza pandemic in India. American Journal of Epidemiology 187, 2550-2560
  • E. Colman, Kristen Spies, and S. Bansal (2018) The reachability of contagion in temporal contact networks: how disease latency can exploit the rhythm of human behavior. BMC Infectious Diseases 18, 219

Class of 2016

  • Ewing, A, Lee, E, Viboud, C, Bansal, S.(2017) Contact, travel and transmission: the impact of winter holidays on influenza dynamics in the US. Journal of Infectious Diseases 215(5). 2017
  • K.A. Chamberlain, Kristen E. Chapey, S.E. Nanescu, J.K. Huang (2017). Creatine enhances mitochondrial-mediated oligodendrocyte survival after demyelinating injury. Journal of Neuroscience. Feb 8;37(6):1479-1492. PMID: 28069926

Class of 2015

  • Chen, C., Garrett A. Lee, A. Pourmorady, E. Sock, and M.J. Donoghue (2015) Orchestration of Neuronal Differentiation and Progenitor Pool Expansion in the Developing Cortex by SoxC Genes. Journal of Neuroscience 35,10629-10642.
  • J. Mann, V. Senigaglia, Ann-Marie Jacoby, and L. Bejder (2018) A Comparison of Tourism and Feeding Wild Dolphins at Monkey Mia and Bunbury, Australia. Eds: N. Carr and D. Broom.  Animal Welfare and Tourism, CABI Publishing, Oxfordshire, UK 
  • K. Psachoulia, K.A. Chamberlain, Dongeun Heo, S.E. Davis, J.D. Paskus, S.E. Nanescu, J.L. Dupree, T.A. Wynn, and J.K. Huang (2016) IL4I1 augments CNS remyelination and axonal protection by modulating T cell driven inflammation. Brain 139, 3121-3136 
  • William T. Rydzewski, Sara A. Carioscia, Gabriela Liévano, Victoria D. Lynch, and Patten M. M. (2016) Sexual antagonism and meiotic drive cause stable linkage disequilibrium and favour reduced recombination on the X chromosome. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 29, 1247–1256.
  • K. Psachoulia, K.A. Chamberlain, Dongeun Heo, S.E. Davis, J.D. Paskus, S.E. Nanescu, J.L. Dupree, T.A. Wynn, J.K. Huang (2016). IL4I1 augments CNS remyelination and axonal protection by modulating T cell driven inflammation. Brain. Dec;139(Pt 12):3121-3136. PMID: 27797811 
  • Bichell, L.M.V., Krzyszczyk, E., Patterson, E.M., Mann, J. (2018) The reliability of pigment pattern-based identification of wild bottlenose dolphins. Marine Mammal Science. 34(1): 113-134. DOI: 10.1111/mms.12440

Class of 2014

  • M.A. Clifford, W. Athar, C.E. Leonard, A. Russo, P.J. Sampognaro, M.-S. Van der Goes, Denver A. Burton, X. Zhao, R.R. Lalchandani, M. Sahin, S. Vicini, and M.J. Donoghue (2014) EphA7 signaling guides cortical dendritic development and spine maturation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 111, 4994-4999.
  • S.A. Dabydeen, K. Kang, E.S. Diaz-Cruz, A. Alamri, Margaret L. Axelrod, K.B. Bouker, R. Al-Kharboosh, R. Clarke, L. Hennighausen, and P.A. Furth (2015) Comparison of tamoxifen and letrozole response in mammary preneoplasia of ER and aromatase over-expressing mice defines an immune-associated gene signature linked to tamoxifen resistance. Carcinogenesis 36, 122-132
  • Kramer, S, Bansal, S. (2015) Assessing the use of antiviral treatment to control influenza. Epidemiology and Infection 143(8).
  • L. Ringer, P. Sirajuddin, L. Tricoli, Sarah Waye, M.U. Choudhry, E. Parasido, A. Sivakumar, M. Heckler, A. Naeem, I. Abdelgawad, X. Liu, A.S. Feldman, R.J. Lee, C.L. Wu, V. Yenugonda, B. Kallakury, a. Dritschilo, J. Lynch, R. Schlegel, O. Rodriguez, R.G. Pestell, M.L. Avantaggiati, and C. Albanese (2014) The induction of the p53 tumor suppressor protein bridges the apoptotic and autophagic signaling pathways to regulate cell death in prostate cancer cells.  Oncotarget 5, 10678-10691
  • R.L. Schwartz-Roberts, K.L. Cook, C. Chen, A.N. Shajahan-Haq, Margaret L. Axelrod, A. Warri, R.B. Riggins, L. Jin, B.R. Haddad, B. Kallakury, W.T. Baumann, and R. Clarke (2015) Interferon regulatory factor-1 signaling regulates the switch between autophagy and apoptosis to determine breast cancer cell fate.  Cancer Research 75, 1046-1055.
  • C. Mash, M.H. Bornstein, and Abhilasha Banerjee (2014) Development of object control in the first year: emerging category discrimination and generalization in infants’ adaptive selection of action.  Developmental Psychology 50, 325-335. 
  • Mann, J., Senigaglia, V., Jacoby, A., Bejder, L. (forthcoming 2018) A Comparison of Tourism and Feeding Wild Dolphins at Monkey Mia and Bunbury, Australia. Eds: N. Carr and D. Broom.  Animal Welfare and Tourism, CABI Publishing, Oxfordshire, UK 

Class of 2013

  • Nicole M. Desforges, M.L. Hebron, N.K. Algarzae, I. Lonskaya, C.E. Moussa (2012) Fractalkine Mediates Communication between Pathogenic Proteins and Microglia: Implications of Anti-Inflammatory Treatments in Different Stages of Neurodegenerative Diseases. International Journal of Alzheimers Disease 2012:345472 doi: 10.1155/2012/345472
  • A.P. Gorka, J.N. Alumasa, K.S. Sherlach, Lauren M. Jacobs, K.B. Nickley, J.P. Brower, A.D. de Dios, and P.D. Roepe (2012) Cytostatic vs. cytocidal activities of chloroquine analogues and inhibition of hemozoin crystal growth.  Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy epub ahead of print, Oct. 31 2012
  • M. Deary, Timothy Buckeyand O.P. Soldin (2012) TSH – Clinical aspects of its use in determining thyroid disease in the elderly.  How does it impact the practice of medicine in aging?  Advances in Pharmacoepidmiology & Drug Safety epub ahead of pring, Dec. 2012
  • I. Lonskaya, A.R. Shekoyan, M.L. Hebron, Nicole Desforges, N.K. Algarzae, and C.E. Moussa (2013) Diminished parkin solubility and co-localization with intraneuronal amyloid-β are associated with autophagic defects in Alzheimer’s disease.  Journal of Alzheimers Disease 33, 231-247
  • I. Lonskaya, M.L. Hebron, N.K. Algarzae, Nicole Desforges, and C.E. Moussa (2013) Decreased parkin solubility is associated with impairment of autophagy in the nigrostriatum of sporadic Parkinson’s disease. Neuroscience 232, 90-105
  • Mooring, E, Bansal, S. (2016) Increasing herd immunity with influenza revaccination. Epidemiology and Infection 144(6). 
  • J.W. Gatti, Marie C. Smithgall, S.M. Paranjape, R.J. Rolfes, and M. Paranjape (2013) Using electrospun poly(ethylene-oxide) nanofibers for improved retention and efficacy of bacteriolytic antibiotics. BioMedical Microdevices in press.  
  • M.A. Clifford, W. Athar, C.E. Leonard, A. Russo, P.J. Sampognaro, Marie-Sophie Van der Goes, D.A. Burton, X. Zhao, R.R. Lalchandani, M. Sahin, S. Vicini, and M.J. Donoghue (2014) EphA7 signaling guides cortical dendritic development and spine maturation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 111, 4994-4999.
  • William T. Rydzewski, Sara A. Carioscia, Gabriela Liévano, Victoria D. Lynch, and Patten M. M. (2016) Sexual antagonism and meiotic drive cause stable linkage disequilibrium and favour reduced recombination on the X chromosome. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 29, 1247–1256.

Class of 2012

  • F.A. Suprynowicz, E. Krawczyk, Jess D. Hebert, S.R. Sudarshan, V. Simic, C.M. Kamonjoh, and R. Schlegel (2010). The human papillomavirus type 16 E5 oncoprotein inhibits epidermal growth factor trafficking independently of endosome acidification. Journal of Virology 84, 10619-10629.
  • Caterina P. Profaci, K.A. Krolikowski, R.T. Olszewski, and J.H. Neale (2011) Group II mGluR agonist LY354740 and NAAG peptidase inhibitor effects on prepulse inhibition in PCP and D-amphetamine models of schizophrenia. Psychopharmacology 216, 235-243.
  • D. Canter, R. Viterbo, A. Kutikov, Y.N. Wong, E. Plimack, F. Zhu, Megan Oblaczynski, R. Berberian, D.Y. Chen, R.E. Greenberg, R.G. Uzzo, and S.A. Boorjian (2011) Baseline renal function status limits patient eligibility to receive perioperative chemotherapy for invasive bladder cancer and is minimally affected by radical cystectomy.  Urology 77, 160-165. 
  • D. Canter, C. Long, A. Kutikov, E. Plimack, I. Saad, Megan Oblaczynski, F. Zhu, R. Viterbo, D.Y. Chen, R.G. Uzzo, R.E. Greenberg, and S.A. Boorjian (2011) Clinicopathological outcomes after radical cystectomy for clinical T2 urothelial carcinoma: further evidence to support the use of neoadjuvant chemotherapy.  British Journal of Urology 107, 58-62. 
  • E. Krawczyk, F.A. Suprynowicz, Jess D. Hebert, C.M. Kamonjoh, and R. Schlegel (2011) The HPV-16 E5 Oncoprotein translocates calpactin I to the perinuclear region. Journal of Virolology 85, 11457-11467.
  • J.H. Neale, R.T. Olszewski, D. Zuo, K.J. Janczura, Caterina P. Profaci, K.M. Lavin, J.C. Madore, T. Bzdega (2011) Advances in understanding the peptide neurotransmitter NAAG and appearance of a new member of the NAAG neuropeptide family. Journal of Neurochemistry 118, 490-498.
  • J.A. Jordan, C.O. Ibe, Miranda S. Moore, C. Host, and G.L. Simon (2012)  Evaluation of a manual DNA extraction protocol and an isothermal amplification assay for detecting HIV-1 DNA from dried blood spots for use in resource-limited settings.  Journal of Clinical Virology 54, 11-14. 
  • R.T. Olszewski, K.J. Jnczura, S.R. Ball, J.C. Madore, K.M. Lavin, J.C. Lee, M.J. Lee, E.K. Der, T.J. Hark, P.R. Farago, Caterina P. Profaci, T. Bzdega, and J.H. Neale (2012) NAAG peptidase inhibitors block cognitive deficit induced by MK-801 and motor activation induced by d-amphetamine in animal models of schizophrenia.  Translational Psychiatry 2(7): e145 doi 10.1038/tp.2012.68
  • Miranda S. Moore, C.D. McCann and J.A. Jordan (2013) Molecular detection of culture-confirmed bacterial bloodstream infections with limited enrichment time.  Journal of Clinical Microbiology 51,3720-3725
  • M.A. Clifford, Wardah Athar, C.E. Leonard, A. Russo, P.J. Sampognaro, M.-S. Van der Goes, D.A. Burton, X. Zhao, R.R. Lalchandani, M. Sahin, S. Vicini, and M.J. Donoghue (2014) EphA7 signaling guides cortical dendritic development and spine maturation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 111, 4994-4999.
  • Stephano G. Daniele, A.A. Edwards, and K.A. Maguire-Zeiss (2014) Isolation of cortical microglia with preserved immunophenotype and functionality from murine neonates. Journal of Visual Experiments 83 (1/30/2014) e51005. doi: 10.3791/51005. 
  • Class of 2011
  • S. Dumanis, J. Tesoriero, Lenard Babus, T. Nguyen, J. Trotter, M. Ladu, E. Weeber, R. Turner, B. Xu, G.W. Rebeck and H. Hoe (2009) ApoE4 Decreases Spine Density and Dendritic Complexity in Cortical Neurons in vivo. Journal of Neuroscience 29, 15317-15322.
  • S.S. Minami, A. Cordova, J.R. Cirrito, J.Tesoriero, Lenard W. Babus, G.C. Davis, S. Dakshanamurthy, R.S. Turner, D.T.S. Pak, G.W. Rebeck, M. Paige, and H.-S. Hoe (2010) ApoE mimetic peptide decreases Aβ production in vitro and in vivo. Journal of Molecular Neurodegeneration 5: 16 
  • R.B. Riggins, M.M. Mazzotta, Omar Z. Maniya and R. Clarke (2010) Orphan nuclear receptors in breast cancer pathogenesis and therapeutic response.  Endocrine-Related Cancer 17, R213-R231.
  • E. Pappas-Politis, David C. Driscoll, Y.N. Pierpont, P.R. Albear, W.L. Carter and L.J. Gould (2010) Treatment of eccrine carcinoma of the chin via submental island flap.  Eplasty 10:e27. 
  • J.P. Young, Jacob Beckerman, S. Vicini and A. Myers (2010) Acetylsalicylic acid enhances purinergic receptor-mediated outward currents in rat megakaryocytes.  American Journal of Physiology 298, C602-610. 
  • O. Awad, J.T. Yustein, P. Shah, N. Gul, V. Katuri, Alison O’Neill, Y. Kong, M.L. Brown, J.A. Toretsky and D.M. Loeb (2010) High ALDH activity identifies chemotherapy-resistant Ewing’s sarcoma stem cells that retain sensitivity to EWS-FLI1 inhibition.  PLoS One 5, e13943. 
  • O. Manlik, Jane A. McDonald, J. Mann, H.C. Raudino, L. Bejder, M.K. Krützen, R.C. Connor, M.R. Heithaus, R.C. Lacy, and W.B. Sherwin (2016) The relative importance of reproduction and survival for the conservation of two dolphin populations. Ecology and Evolution 6, 3496-3512.
  • S.B. Dumanis, H.-J. Cha, J.M. Song, J.H. Trotter, Matthew Spitzer, J.-Y. Lee, E.J. Weeber, R.S. Turner, D.T.S. Pak, G.W. Rebeck, and H.-S. Hoe (2011) ApoE Receptor 2 Regulates Synapse and Dendritic Spine Formation. PLoS ONE 6(2):e17203.
  • T. Wangsanut, A.K. Ghosh, Peter G. Metzger, W.A. Fonzi, and R.J. Rolfes (2017) Grf10 and Bas1 regulate transcription of adenylate and one-carbon biosynthesis genes and affect virulence in the human fungal pathogen Candida albicans.  mSphere 2(4) pii.e00161-17. 
  • Caitlin A. Durkee, M.R. Weiss and D.B. Uma (2011) Ant mimicry lessens predation on a North American jumping spider by larger salticid spiders. Environmental Entomology 40, 1223-1231.
  • J.H. Neale, R.T. Olszewski, D. Zuo, K.J. Janczura, C.P. Profaci, Kaleen M. LavinJohn C. Madore, T. Bzdega (2011) Advances in understanding the peptide neurotransmitter NAAG and appearance of a new member of the NAAG neuropeptide family. Journal of Neurochemistry 118, 490-498.
  • J. Urbanski, M. Mogi, D. O’Donnell, Mark Decotiis, T. Toma, P. Armbruster (2012) Rapid adaptive evolution of photoperiodic response during invasion and range expansion across a climatic gradient.  The American Naturalist 179, 490-500. 
  • Alison O’Neill, N. Shah, N. Zitomersky, M. Ladanyi, N. Shukla, A. Uren, D. Loeb, and J. Toretsky (2012) Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor as a therapeutic target in Ewing sarcoma: lack of consistent upregulation or recurrent mutation and a review of the clinical trial literature.  Sarcoma 2013: 450478; p 1-12. 
  • R.T. Olszewski, K.J. Jnczura, S.R. Ball, John C. Madore, Kaleen M. Lavin, J.C. Lee, M.J. Lee, E.K. Der, T.J. Hark, P.R. Farago, C.P. Profaci, T. Bzdega, and J.H. Neale (2012) NAAG peptidase inhibitors block cognitive deficit induced by MK-801 and motor activation induced by d-amphetamine in animal models of schizophrenia.  Translational Psychiatry 2(7): e145 doi 10.1038/tp.2012.68
  • D. Uma, Caitlin Durkee, G. Herzner, and M.R. Weiss (2013) Double deception: ant-mimicking spiders elude both visually- and chemically-oriented predators.  PLoS One 8(11):e79660.  pp. 1-7
  • Z. Dowling, P. armbruster, S.L. LaDeau, Mark DeCotiisJihana Mottley, and P.T. Leisnham (2013) Linking mosquito infestation to resident socioeconomic status, knowledge and source reduction practices in suburban Washington, D.C. EcoHealth 10, 36-47.
  • J.U. Tilan, C. Lu, S. Galli, E. Izycka-Swieszewska, J.P. Earnest, A. Shabbir, L.M. Everhart, S. Wang, S. Martin, M. Horton, A. Mahajan, D. Christian, Alison O’Neill, H. Wang, T. Zhuang, M. Czarnecka, M.D. Johnson, J.A. Toretsky and J. Kitlinska (2013) Hypoxia shits activity of neuropeptide Y in Ewing sarcoma from growth-inhibitory to growth-promoting effects.  Oncotarget 4, 2487-2501
  • M.A. Clifford, W. Athar, C.E. Leonard, Alexandra Russo, P.J. Sampognaro, M.-S. Van der Goes, D.A. Burton, X. Zhao, R.R. Lalchandani, M. Sahin, S. Vicini, and M.J. Donoghue (2014) EphA7 signaling guides cortical dendritic development and spine maturation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 111, 4994-4999.
  • Karniski, C., Patterson, E. M., Krzyszczyk, E., Foroughirad, V., Stanton, M., and Mann, J. 2015. Determining cetacean activity budgets: a comparison of surveys and individual focal follows. Marine Mammal Science. 31:839-852. DOI: 10.1111/mms.12198

Class of 2010

  • The Bovine Genome Sequencing and Analysis Consortium*, C.G. Elsik, R.L. Tellam, and K.C. Worley (2009) The genome sequence of taurine cattle: a window to ruminant biology and evolution. Science 324522-528. *Members of the consortium include Suria M. BahadueKaitlin E. DonohueCatherine JamisSari S. Khalil  and others.
  • S. Dumanis, Joseph Tesoriero, L. Babus, T. Nguyen, J. Trotter, M. Ladu, E. Weeber, R. Turner, B. Xu, G.W. Rebeck and H. Hoe (2009) ApoE4 Decreases Spine Density and Dendritic Complexity in Cortical Neurons in vivo. Journal of Neuroscience 29, 15317-15322.
  • Brian C. Lin, D.A. Defenbaugh, and J.L. Casey (2010) Multimerization of hepatitis delta antigen is a critical determinant of RNA binding specificity.  Journal of Virology 84, 1406-1413. 
  • S.S. Minami, A. Cordova, J.R. Cirrito, Joseph A. Tesoriero, L.W. Babus, G.C. Davis, S. Dakshanamurthy, R.S. Turner, D.T.S. Pak, G.W. Rebeck, M. Paige, H.-S. Hoe (2010) ApoE mimetic peptide decreases Aβ production in vitro and in vivo. Journal of Molecular Neurodegeneration 5: 16 
  • K. Lehigh, C.E. Leonard, Jacob Baranoski, and M.J. Donoghue (2013) Parcellation of the thalamus into distinct nuclei reflects EphA expression and function.  Gene Expression Patterns 13, 454-463.
  • M.A. Clifford, W. Athar, C.E. Leonard, A. Russo, Paul J. Sampognaro, M.-S. Van der Goes, D.A. Burton, X. Zhao, R.R. Lalchandani, M. Sahin, S. Vicini, and M.J. Donoghue (2014) EphA7 signaling guides cortical dendritic development and spine maturation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 111, 4994-4999
  • Karniski, C., Patterson, E. M., Krzyszczyk, E., Foroughirad, V., Stanton, M., and Mann, J. (2015) Determining cetacean activity budgets: a comparison of surveys and individual focal follows. Marine Mammal Science. 31:839-852. DOI: 10.1111/mms.12198
  • Miketa, M., Patterson, E. M., Krzyszczyk E., Foroughirad, V. and Mann, J. (2018) Calf age and sex affects maternal diving behavior in Shark Bay bottlenose dolphins. Animal Behaviour March forthcoming
  • Strickland, K., Levengood, A., Foroughirad, V., Mann, J., Krzyszczyk, E., Frere, C. (2017) A framework for the identification of long-term social avoidance in longitudinal datasets. Royal Society Open Science. 4: 170641. http://dx.doi.org/10.1098/rsos.170641
  • Foroughirad, V. & Mann, J. (2013) Human fish provisioning has long-term impacts on the behaviour and survival of bottlenose dolphins. Biological Conservation. 160: 242-249. 
  • Vivienne Foroughirad and J. Mann (2013) Human fish provisioning has long-term impacts on the behaviour and survival of bottlenose dolphins. Biological Conservation 160, 242-249. 

Class of 2009

  • M.A. Herman, M. Niedringhaus, Alisa Alayan, J.G. Verbalis, N. Sahibzada, and R.A. Gillis (2008) Characterization of noradrenergic transmission at the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus involved in reflex control of fundus tone. American Journal of Physiology: Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology 294, R720-729.
  • The Bovine Genome Sequencing and Analysis Consortium*, C.G. Elsik, R.L. Tellam, and K.C. Worley (2009) The genome sequence of taurine cattle: a window to ruminant biology and evolution. Science 324522-528. *Members of the consortium include Justin C. Lee and others.  
  • Brittany Lynn Dye.  “Paging Student Doctor Dye”, Xlibris Corporation Publishing.
  • H.A. North, Adnan Karim, M.F. Jacquin, and M.J. Donoghue (2010) EphA4 is necessary for spatially selective peripheral somatosensory topography.  Developmental Dynamics 239, 630-638.
  • Kevin C. Parvaresh, A.M. Huber, R.L. Brochin, P.L. Bacon, G.E. McCall, K.A. Huey, and J.P.K. Hyatt. (2010) Acute vascular endothelial growth factor expression during hypertrophy is muscle phenotype-specific and localizes as a striated pattern within fibers. Experimental Physiology 95, 1098-1106.
  • C.D. Rogers, George S. Ferzli, and E.S. Casey (2011) The response of early neural genes to FGF signaling or inhibition of BMP indicate the absence of a conserved neural induction module. BMC Developmental Biology 11:74 (pp.1-13)
  • C.M.A. Manlandro, V.R. Palanivel, Emily B. SchorrNino MihatovAndrew A. Antony, and A.G. Rosenwald (2012) Mon2 is a negative regulator of the monomeric G protein Arl1.  FEMS Yeast Research 12, 637-650.
  • R.T. Olszewski, K.J. Jnczura, S.R. Ball, J.C. Madore, K.M. Lavin, Justin C. Lee, M.J. Lee, E.K. Der, T.J. Hark, P.R. Farago, C.P. Profaci, T. Bzdega, and J.H. Neale (2012) NAAG peptidase inhibitors block cognitive deficit induced by MK-801 and motor activation induced by d-amphetamine in animal models of schizophrenia.  Translational Psychiatry 2(7): e145 doi 10.1038/tp.2012.68
  • Kathryn Lehigh, C.E. Leonard, J. Baranoski, and M.J. Donoghue (2013) Parcellation of the thalamus into distinct nuclei reflects EphA expression and function.  Gene Expression Patterns 13, 454-463. 

Class of 2008

  • R.T. Olszewski, M.M. Wegorzewska, A.C. Monteiro, Kristyn A. Krolikowski, J. Zhou, A.P. Kozikowski, K. Long, J. Mastropaolo, S.I. Deustsch, and J.H. Neale (2008) Phencyclidine and dizocilpine induced behaviors reduced by N-acetylaspartylglutamate peptidase inhibition via metabotropic glutamate receptors. Biological Psychiatry 63, 86-91.
  • C.P. Profaci, Kristyn A. Krolikowski, R.T. Olszewski, and J.H. Neale (2011) Group II mGluR agonist LY354740 and NAAG peptidase inhibitor effects on prepulse inhibition in PCP and D-amphetamine models of schizophrenia. Psychopharmacology 216, 235-243.
  • Divehar, S.D., G.B. Storchan, Katherine Sperle, D.J. Veselik, E. Johnson, S. Dakshanamutrhy, Y.N. Lajiminmuhip, R.E. Nakles, L. Huang, and M.B. Martin (2011) The role of calcium in the activation of estrogen receptor-alpha. Cancer Research 71, 1658-1668. 

Class of 2007

  • J. Regader, M.J. Blanquez, P. Gonzalez-Peramato, M. Nistal, Jennifer C. Miller, O.M. Tirado, V. Notario (2006) PCPH expression is an early event in the development of testicular germ cell tumors. International Journal of Oncology 28, 595-604.
  • R.T. Olszewski, Marta M. Wegorzewska, Ana C. Monteiro, K.A. Krolikowski, J. Zhou, A.P. Kozikowski, K. Long, J. Mastropaolo, S.I. Deustsch, and J.H. Neale (2008) Phencyclidine and dizocilpine induced behaviors reduced by N-acetylaspartylglutamate peptidase inhibition via metabotropic glutamate receptors. Biological Psychiatry 63, 86-91.  

Class of 2006

  • S.L. Love, Cara M. Manlandro, C.J. Testa, A.E. Thomas, K.E. Tryggestad and A.G. Rosenwald (2004) The yeast genes ARL1 and CCZ1, interact to control membrane traffic and ion homeostasis. Biochemistry and Biophysics Research Communications 319, 840-846.
  • Cara M.A. Manlandro, D.H. Haydon and A.G. Rosenwald (2005) Ability of Sit4p To Promote K+ Efflux Via Nha1p Is Modulated by Sap155p and Sap185p. Eukaryotic Cell 4, 1041-1049.
  • C.V. Hedvat, J. Teryua-Feldstein, P. Puig, P. Capodieci, M. Dudas, Natalie Pica, J. Qin, C. Cordon-Cardo and C.J. Di Como (2005) Expression of p63 in diffuse large B-Cell lymphoma.  Applied Immunohistochemistry and Molecular Morphology 13, 237-242.
  • L. Notari, V. Baladron, J.D. Aroca-Aguilar, N. Balko, R. Heredia, C. Meyer, Patricia M. Notario, S. Saravanamuthu, N. Maria-Luisa, F. Sanchez-Sanchez, J. Escribano, J. Laborda and S.P. Becerra (2006) Identification of a lipase linked cell-membrane receptor for pigment epithelium-drived factor (PEDF). Journal of Biological Chemistry 281, 38022-38037.
  • M.T. Cruz, Erin C. Murphy, N. Sahibsada, J.G. Verbalis and R.A. Gillis (2006) A re-evaluation of the effects of stimulation of the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus on gastric motility in the rat. American Journal of Physiology: Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology 292, R291-307. 
  • G.L. Fell, A.M. Munson, Mariah A. Croston, A.G. Rosenwald (2011) Identification of yeast genes involved in K homeostasis: loss of membrane traffic genes affects K uptake. G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics 1, 43-56.
  • Cara M.A. Manlandro, V.R. Palanivel, E.B. Schorr, N. Mihatov, A.A. Antony, and A.G. Rosenwald (2012) Mon2 is a negative regulator of the monomeric G protein Arl1.  FEMS Yeast Research 12, 637-650.

Class of 2005

  • J.N. Hirschhorn, Kirk E. Lohmueller, E. Byrne and K. Hirschhorn (2002) A comprehensive review of genetic association studies. Genetics in Medicine 4: 45-61. 
  • Kirk E. Lohmueller, C.L. Pearce, M. Pike, E.S. Lander and J.N. Hirschhorn (2003) Meta-analysis of genetic association studies supports a contribution of common variants to susceptibility to common disease. Nature Genetics 33, 177-182. 
  • T. Bzdega, S.L. Crowe, E.R. Ramadan, K.H. Sciarretta, R.T. Olszewski, O.A. Ojeifo, Victoria A. Rafalski, B. Wroblewska, and J.H. Neale (2004) The cloning and characterization of a second brain enzyme with NAAG peptidase activity. Journal of Neurochemistry 89, 627-635. 
  • S. Hausmann, Melissa A. Altura, M. Witmer, S.M. Singer, H.G. Elmendorf and S. Shuman (2004) Yeast-like mRNA capping apparatus in Giardia lamblia. Journal of Biological Chemistry 280, 12077-12086. 
  • N. Patterson, N. Hattangadi, B. Lane, Kirk E. Lohmueller, D.A. Hafler, J.R. Oksenberg, S.L. Hauser, M.W. Smith, S.J. O’Brien, D. Altshuler, M.J. Daly and D. Reich (2004) Methods for high-density admixtures mapping of disease genes. American Journal of Human Genetics 74, 979-1000
  • M. Farzad, D.F. Soria-Hernanz, Melissa Altura, M.B. Hamilton, M.R. Weiss, and H.G. Elmendorf (2005) Molecular evolution of the chalcone synthase gene family and identification of the expressed copy in flower petal tissue of Viola cornuta. Plant Science 168, 1127-1134. 
  • Kirk E. Lohmueller, L.J. Wong, M.M. Mauney, L. Jiang, R.A. Felder, P.A. Jose and S.M. Williams (2006) Patterns of genetic variation in the hypertension candidate gene GRK4: ethnic variation and haplotype structure. Annals of Human Genetics 70, 27-41. 
  • Kirk E. Lohmueller, M.M. Mauney, D. Reich and J.M. Braverman (2006) Variants associated with common disease are not unusually differentiated in frequency across population. American Journal of Human Genetics 78, 130-136.
  • T.A. Ahern, M.A. Javors, D.A. Eagles, Jared Martillotti, H.A. Mitchell, L.C. Liles, and I.D.A. Weinshenker (2006) The effects of chronic norepinephrine transporter inactivation on seizure susceptibility in mice. Neuropsychopharmacology  31, 730-738.
  • Jared Martillotti, D. Weinshenker, L.C. Liles, D.A. Eagles (2006) A ketogenic diet and knockout of the norepinephrine transporter both reduce seizure severity in mice. Epilepsy Research 68, 207-211.
  • J. Mann, B.L. Sargeant and Matt Minor (2007) Calf inspection of fish catches: Opportunities for oblique social learning? Behavioral and Brain Sciences 23, 197-202.
  • Y. Ning, R.B. Riggins, J.E. Mulla, Haniee Chung, A. Zwart and R. Clarke (2010) IFNγ restores breast cancer sensitivity to fulvestrant by regulating STAT1, IFN regulatory factor 1, NF-κB, BCL2 family members, and signaling to caspase-dependent apoptosis.  Molecular Cancer Therapeutics 9, 1274-1285. 

Class of 2004

  • D.J. Bacich, E. Ramadan, D.S. O’Keefe, Noreen BukhariIga WegorzewskaOlumide Ojeifo, R. Olszewski, C.C. Wrenn, T. Bzdega, B. Wroblewska, W.D. Heston, and J.H. Neale (2002) Deletion of the glutamate carboxypeptidase II gene in mice reveals a second enzyme activity that hydrolyzes N-acetylaspartylglutamate. Journal of Neurochemistry 83, 20-29. 
  • P. Zhou, E. Li, N. Zhu, Jason Robertson, T. Nash, and S.M. Singer (2003) Role of interleukin-6 in the control of acute and chronic Giardia lamblia infections in mice. Infection and Immunity 71, 1566-1568. 
  • M.B. Martin, R. Reiter, T. Pham, Y.R. Avellanet, J. Camara, M. Lahm, E. Pentecost, K. Pratap, Brent A. Gilmore, S. Divekar, R.S. Dagata, J.L. Bull, and A. Stoica (2003) Estrogen-like activity of metals in Mcf-7 breast cancer cells. Endocrinology 144, 2425-2436
  • Kyle M. Brown, G. A. Baltazar, B. N. Weinstein, and M. B. Hamilton (2003) Isolation and characterization of nuclear microsatellite loci in the anadromous marine fish Morone saxatilis. Molecular Ecology Notes 3, 414-416. 
  • R.T. Olszewski, Noreen Bukhari, J. Zhou, A.P. Kozikowski, J.T. Wroblewski, S. Shamimi-Noori, B. Wroblewska, T. Bzdega, S. Vicini, F.B. Barton, J.H. Neale (2004) NAAG peptidase inhibition reduces locomotor activity and some stereotypes in the PCP model of schizophrenia via group II mGluR. Journal of Neurochemistry 89, 876-885. 
  • T. Bzdega, S.L. Crowe, E.R. Ramadan, K.H. Sciarretta, R.T. Olszewski, Olumide A. Ojeifo, V.A. Rafalski, B. Wroblewska, and J.H. Neale (2004) The cloning and characterization of a second brain enzyme with NAAG peptidase activity. Journal of Neurochemistry 89, 627-635. 
  • Adams, R.I., Kyle M. Brown and M.B. Hamilton (2004) The impact of microsatellite electromorph size homoplasy on multilocus population structure estimates in a tropical tree (Corythophora alta) and an anadromous fish (Morone saxitilis). Molecular Ecology 13, 2579-2588
  • A.M. Munson, D.H. Haydon, S.L. Love, Gillian F. Fell, V.R. Palanivel and A.G. Rosenwald (2004) Yeast ARL1 encodes a regulator of K+ influx. Journal of Cell Science 117, 2309-2320
  • Andreas M. Rauschecker, S. Bestmann, V. Walsh and K. Thilo (2004) Phosphene threshold as a function of contrast of external visual stimuli. Experimental Brain Research 157: 124-127. 
  • Andreas M. Rauschecker (2004) A review of parietal lobe functioning in planning and updating moro movements. Journal of Young Investigators 11. 
  • Kyle M. Brown, G.A. Baltazar, and M.B. Hamilton (2005) Reconciling nuclear microsatellite and mitochondrial marker estimates of population structure: breeding population structure of Chesapeake Bay striped bass (Morone saxitilis). Heredity 94: 606-615.
  • C. Sandu, E. Gavathiotis, T. Huang, Iga Wegorzewska and M.H.Werner (2005) A mechanism for death receptor discrimination by death adaptors. Journal of Biological Chemistry 280, 31974-31980
  • Erin M. Scott, J. Mann, J.J. Watson-Capps, B.L. Sargeant, R.C. Connor (2005) Aggression in bottlenose dolphins: Evidence for sexual coercion, male-male competition, and female tolerance through analysis of tooth-rake marks and behavior. Behaviour 142:21-44
  • E.M. Barrows, Shawna B. Arsenault, N.P. Grenier (2005) Firefly (Coleoptera: Lampyridae) flight periods, sex ratios and habitat frequencies in a United States mid-atlantic freshwater tidal marsh, low forest and their ecotone. Banisteria 31:47-52
  • H.G. Elmendorf, S.C. Rohrer, Rasha S. Khoury, R.E. Bouttenot, and T.E. Nash (2005) Examination of a novel head-stalk protein family in Giardia lamblia characterised by the pairing of ankyrin repeats and coiled-coil domains.  International Journal of Parasitology 35, 1001-1011. 
  • B. Wroblewska, Iga N. Wegorzewska, T. Bzedga, R.T. Olszewski and J.H. Neale (2006) Differential negative coupling of type 3 metabotrophic glutamate receptors to cGMP in neurons and astrocytes. Journal of Neurochemisty 96, 1071-1077. 
  • Gillian L. Fell, A.M. Munson, M.A. Croston, A.G. Rosenwald (2011) Identification of yeast genes involved in K homeostasis: loss of membrane traffic genes affects K uptake.  G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics 1, 43-56. 
  • C.M.A. Manlandro, Vikram R. Palanivel, E.B. Schorr, N. Mihatov, A.A. Antony, and A.G. Rosenwald (2012) Mon2 is a negative regulator of the monomeric G protein Arl1.  FEMS Yeast Research 12, 637-650. 

Class of 2003

  • R. Torres, S.E. Ide, A. Dehejia, Alex Baras, and M.H. Polymeropoulos (1999) Genomic structure and localization of the human protein phosphatase 2A BRgamma regulatory subunit. DNA Research 6:323-327. 
  • A.G. Rosenwald, M.A. Rhodes, H. Van Valkenburgh, Vikram Palanivel, G. Chapman, A. Boman, C.-j. Zhang, and R.A. Kahn (2002) ARL1 and membrane traffic in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Yeast 19:1039-1056. 
  • M.A. Dressman, Alex Baras, R. Malinowski, L.B. Alvis, I. Kwon, T.M. Walz, and M.H. Polymeropoulos (2003) Gene expression profiling detects gene amplification and differentiates tumor types in breast cancer. Cancer Research 63, 2194-2199
  • Massaro, D., G.D. Massaro, Alex Baras, E.P. Hoffman and L.B. Clerch (2003) Calorie-related rapid onset of alveolar loss, regeneration and changes in mouse lung gene expression. American Journal of Physiology: Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology 286, L896-906. 
  • Clerch, L.B., Alex S. Baras, G.D. Massaro, E.P. Hoffman and D. Massaro (2004) DNA microarray analysis of neonatal mouse lung connects regulation of KDR with dexamethasone-induced inhibition of alveolar formation. American Journal of Physiology: Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology 286: L411-419. 
  • D.W. Taylor, A. Zhou, L.E. Marsillio, L.W. Thuita, Efua B. Leke, O. Branch, D.C. Gowda, C. Long, R.F. Leke (2004) Antibodies that inhibit binding of Plasmodium falciparum-infected erythrocytes to chondroitin sulfate A and to the C terminus of merozoite surface protein 1 correlate with reduced placental malaria in Cameroonian women. Infectious Immunity 72:1603-1607. 
  • A.M. Munson, Devon H. Haydon, S.L. Love, G.F. Fell, Vikram R. Palanivel and A.G. Rosenwald (2004) Yeast ARL1 encodes a regulator of K+ influx. Journal of Cell Science 117, 2309-2320
  • A.M. Munson, S.L. Love, J. Shu, Vikram R. Palanivel and A.G. Rosenwald (2004) ARL1 participates with ATC1/LIC4 to regulate responses of yeast cells to ions. Biochemistry and Biophysics Research Communications 315, 617-623. 
  • E. Li, P. Zhou, Ziva Petrin, and S. M. Singer (2004) Mast cell dependent control of Giardia lamblia infections in mice. Infection and Immunity 72: 6642-6649
  • Hausmann, S., M.A. Altura, Matthew Witmer, S.M. Singer, H.G. Elmendorf and S. Shuman (2004) Yeast-like mRNA capping apparatus in Giardia lamblia. Journal of Biological Chemistry 280: 12077-12086. 
  • Hernandez, E.M., Connie H. Chan, B. Xu, V. Notario, and J.R. Richert (2004) Role of an internal ribosome entry site in the translational control of the human transcription factor Sp3. International Journal of Oncology 24, 719-724. 
  • C.M. Manlandro, Devon H. Haydon and A.G. Rosenwald (2005) Ability of Sit4p To Promote K+ Efflux Via Nha1p Is Modulated by Sap155p and Sap185p. Eukaryotic Cell 4, 1041-1049. 
  • Rachel I. Adams, K.M. Brown and M.B. Hamilton (2004) The impact of microsatellite electromorph size homoplasy on multilocus population structure estimates in a tropical tree (Corythophora alta) and an anadromous fish (Morone saxitilis). Molecular Ecology 13, 2579-2588.
  • H.G. Elmendorf, S.C. Rohrer, R.S. Khoury, Rachel E. Bouttenot, and T.E. Nash (2005) Examination of a novel head-stalk protein family in Giardia lamblia characterised by the pairing of ankyrin repeats and coiled-coil domains.  International Journal of Parasitology 35, 1001-1011. 

Class of 2002

  • S.M. Mandala, R. Thornton, I. Galve-Roperh, S. Poulton, Courtney Peterson, A.Olivera, J. Bergstrom, M.B. Kurtz and S. Spiegel (2000) Molecular cloning and characterization of a lipid phosphohydrolase that degrades sphingosine-1-phosphate and induces cell death. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA 97:7859-7864
  • N. Steiner, C.P. Gans, C. Kosman, L.A. Baldassarre, S. Edson, P.F. Jones, Gabrielle Rizzuto, N. Pimtanothai, R. Koester, W. Mitton, J. Ng, R.J. Hartzman, and C.K. Hurley (2001) Novel HLA-B alleles associated with antigens in the 8C CREG. Tissue Antigens 57: 373-375. 
  • C.K. Hurley, N. Steiner, C.P. Gans, C. Kosman, W. Mitton, R. Koester, P. Jones, S. Edson, Gabrielle Rizzuto, R.J. Hartzman, J. Ng, S.G. Rodriguez-Marino (2001) Twelve novel HLA-B*15 alleles carrying previously observed sequence motifs are placed into B*15 subgroups. Tissue Antigens 57: 474-177. 
  • N.K. Steiner, C. Kosman, P.F. Jones, C.P. Gans, S.G. Rodriguez-Marino, Gabrielle Rizzuto, L.A. Baldassarre, S. Edson, R. Koester, D. Sese, W. Mitton, J. Ng, R.J. Hartzman, and C.K. Hurley (2001) Novel HLA-B alleles associated with antigens in the 7C CREG. Tissue Antigens 57: 481-485. 
  • N.K. Steiner, P. Jones, C. Kosman, S. Edson, Gabrielle Rizzuto, C.P. Gans, W. Mitton, R. Koester, S.G. Rodriguez-Marino, J. Ng, R.J. Hartzman and C.K. Hurley (2001) Novel HLA-B alleles associated with antigens in the 7C CREG. Tissue Antigens 57: 486-488. 
  • Bradshaw, D., C.P. Gans, P. Jones, Gabrielle Rizzuto, N. Steiner, W. Mitton, J. Ng, R. Koester, R.J. Hartzman, and C.K. Hurley (2002) Novel HLA-A locus alleles including A*01012, A*0306, A*0308, A*2616, A*2617, A*3009, A*3206, A*3403, A*3602 and A*6604. Tissue Antigens 59: 325-327. 
  • Gabrielle Rizzuto, L. Li, N. Steiner, R. Slack, T. Tang, U. Heine, Y.S. Lin, J. Ng, R. Hartzman and C.K. Hurley (2003) Diversity within the DRB1*08 allele family in four populations from a United States hematopoietic stem cell donor database and characterization of five novel DRB1*08 alleles. Humoral Immunity 64: 607-613. 
  • K. M. Brown, Gerard A. Baltazar, B.N. Weinstein, and M. B. Hamilton (2003) Isolation and characterization of nuclear microsatellite loci in the anadromous marine fish Morone saxatilis. Molecular Ecology Notes 3:414-416. 
  • M.R. Weiss, Erin E. Wilson and I. Castellanos (2004) Predatory wasps learn to overcome the shelter defenses of their larval prey. Animal Behaviour 68: 45-54. 
  • R.T. Olszewski, N. Bukhari, J. Zhou, A.P. Kozikowski, J.T. Wroblewski, Susan Shamimi-Noori, B. Wroblewska, T. Bzdega, S. Vicini, F.B. Barton, J.H. Neale (2004) NAAG peptidase inhibition reduces locomotor activity and some stereotypes in the PCP model of schizophrenia via group II mGluR. Journal of Neurochemistry 89: 876-885. 
  • Brown, K.M., Gerard A. Baltazar, and M.B. Hamilton (2005) Reconciling nuclear microsatellite and mitochondrial marker estimates of population structure: breedign population structure of Chesapeake Bay striped bass (Morone saxitilis). Heredity 94: 606-615.

Class of 2001

  • Iona O’Neil-Dunne, R.N. Achur, S.T. Agbor-Enoh, M. Valiyaveettil, R.S. Naik, C.F. Ockenhouse, A. Zhou, R. Megnekou, R. Leke, D.W. Taylor, and D.C. Gowda (2001) Gravidity-dependent production of antibodies that inhibit binding of Plasmodium falciparum-infected erythrocytes to placental chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan during pregnancy.Infection and Immunity 69:7487-7492
  • K.F. Hoffmann, Eric M. Davis, E.R. Fischer and T.A. Wynn (2001) The guanine protein coupled receptor rhodopsin is developmentally regulated in the free-living stages of Schistosoma mansoni. Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology 112: 113-123. 
  • K.F. Hoffmann, T.C. McCarty, D.H. Segal, M. Chiaramonte, M. Hesse, Eric M. Davis, A.W. Cheever, P.S. Meltzer, H.C. Morse 3rd, and T.A. Wynn (2001) Disease fingerprinting with cDNA microarrays reveals distinct gene expression profiles in lethal type 1 and type 2 cytokine-mediated inflammatory reactions. Federation of American Societies of Experimental Biology Journal 15:2545-2547
  • C. Hannum, O.I. Kulaeva, Helen Sun, J.L. Urbanowski, A. Wendus, D.J. Stillman, and R.J. Rolfes (2002) Functional Mapping of Bas2: Identification of Activation and Bas1-Interaction Domains. Journal of Biological Chemistry 277: 34003-34009. 
  • L.T. Bhoite, J. Allen, E. Garcia, Kristen Whelihan, L.R. Thomas, I.D. Gregory, W.P. Voth, R.J. Rolfes, and D.J. Stillman (2002) Mutations in the Pho2 (Bas2) Transcription Factor that Differentially Affect Activation with its Partner Proteins Bas1, Pho4, and Swi5. Journal of Biological Chemistry 277:37612-37618. 
  • D.A. Eagles, S.J. Boyd, A. Kotak, Fred Allan (2003) Calorie restriction of a high-carbohydrate diet elevates the threshold of PTZ-induced seizures to values equal to those seen with a ketogenic diet. Epilepsy Research 54: 41-52. 
  • K. M. Brown, G. A. Baltazar, Brooke N. Weinstein, and M. B. Hamilton (2003) Isolation and characterization of nuclear microsatellite loci in the anadromous marine fish Morone saxatilis. Molecular Ecology Notes 3:414-416. 
  • D.W. Taylor, A. Zhou, Lauren E. Marsillio, L.W. Thuita, E.B. Leke, O. Branch, D.C. Gowda, C. Long, R.F. Leke (2004) Antibodies that inhibit binding of Plasmodium falciparum-infected erythrocytes to chondroitin sulfate A and to the C terminus of merozoite surface protein 1 correlate with reduced placental malaria in Cameroonian women. Infection and Immunity 72:1603-1607. 
  • T. Bzdega, S.L. Crowe, E.R. Ramadan, Kathryn H. Sciarretta, R.T. Olszewski, O.A. Ojeifo, V.A. Rafalski, B. Wroblewska, and J.H. Neale (2004) The cloning and characterization of a second brain enzyme with NAAG peptidase activity. Journal of Neurochemistry 89: 627-635. 
  • S.L. Love, C.M. Manlandro, Chris J. TestaAnne E. ThomasKari E. Tryggestad and A.G. Rosenwald (2004) The yeast genes ARL1 and CCZ1, interact to control membrane traffic and ion homeostasis. Biochemistry and Biophysics Research Communications 319, 840-846.
  • H.G. Elmendorf, Sally C. Rohrer, R.S. Khoury, R.E. Bouttenot, and T.E. Nash (2005) Examination of a novel head-stalk protein family in Giardia lamblia characterised by the pairing of ankyrin repeats and coiled-coil domains.  International Journal of Parasitology 35, 1001-1011. 

Class of 2000

  • Anoushka Afonso, M.R. Emmert-Buck, P.H. Duray, D.G. Bostwick, W.M. Linehan, and C.D. Vocke (1999) Loss of heterozygosity on chromosome 13 is associated with advanced stage prostate cancer. Journal of Urology 162: 922-926. 
  • K.J. Bough, Ritu Valiyil, Fred T. Han, and D.A. Eagles (1999) Seizure resistance is dependent upon age and calorie restriction in rats fed a ketogenic diet. Epilepsy Research 35:21-28. 
  • Izbicka, E., D. Nishioka, Vanessa Marcel, E. Raymond, K.K. Davidson, R.A. Lawrence, R.T. Wheelhouse, L.H. Hurley, R.S. Wu, and D.D. Von Hoff (1999) Telomere-interactive agents affect proliferation rates and induce chromosomal destabilizatio in sea urchin embryos. Anticancer Drug Design 14: 355-365. 
  • Easwaran, V., Virginia Song, P. Polakis and S. Byers (1999) The ubiquitin-proteasome pathway and serine kinase activity modulate adenomatous polyposis coli protein-mediated regulation of beta-catenin-lymphocyte enhancer-binding factor signaling. Journal of Biological Chemistry 274: 16641-16645. 
  • K.J. Bough, Suellan G. Yao, and D.A. Eagles (2000) Higher ketogenic diet ratios confer protection from seizures without neurotoxicity. Epilepsy Research 38:15-25. 
  • K.J. Bough, Patrick J. Matthews, and D.A. Eagles (2000) A ketogenic diet has different effects upon seizures induced by maximal electroshock and by pentylenetetrazole infusion. Epilepsy Research 38:105-114. 
  • Martin, M.B., T.F. Franke, G.E. Stoica, P. Chambon, B.S. Katzenellenbogen, B.A. Stoica, Michael McLemore, S.E. Olivo, and A. Stoica (2000) A role for Akt in mediating the estrogenic functions of epidermal growth factor and insulin-link growth factor I. Endocrinology 141: 4503-4511 
  • Bellanti, J.A., B.J. Zeligs, A.L. MacDowell-Carneiro, A.S. Abaci, and Jennifer A. Genuardi (2000) Study of the effects of vacuuming on the concentration of dust mite antigen and endotoxin. Annals of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology 84: 249-254. 
  • K.J. Bough, K. Gudi, Fred T. Han, A.H. Rathod, D.A. Eagles (2002) An anticonvulsant profile of the ketogenic diet in the rat. Epilepsy Research 50: 313-325. 
  • Avila, A.M., M.I. Davila-Garcia, Veronica S. Ascarrunz, Y. Xiao, and K.J. Kellar (2003) differential regulation of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in PC12 cells by nicotine and nerve growth factor. Molecular Pharmacology 64: 974-986. 
  • Nishioka, D., Vanessa Marcell, M. Cunningham, M. Khan, D.D. Von Hoff, and E. Izbicka (2003) Methods of Molecular Medicine 85: 265-276. 
  • D.A. Eagles, S.J. Boyd, Anandi Kotak, F. Allan (2003) Calorie restriction of a high-carbohydrate diet elevates the threshold of PTZ-induced seizures to values equal to those seen with a ketogenic diet. Epilepsy Research 54: 41-52.
  • D.A. Eagles, S.J. Boyd, Anandi Kotak, F. Allan (2003) Calorie restriction of a high-carbohydrate diet elevates the threshold of PTZ-induced seizures to values equal to those seen with a ketogenic diet. Epilepsy Research 50, 313-325

Class 1999

  • Ellis, M.J., S. Jenkins, J. Hanfelt, Maura E. Redington, M. Taylor, R. Leek, K. Siddle, and A. Harris (1998) Insulin-like growth factors in human breast cancer. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment 52: 175-184. 
  • K.J. Bough, Suellan C. Yao, D.A. Eagles. (1999) Kigher ketogenic diet ratios confer protection from seizures without neurotoxicity. Epilepsy Research 38, 15-25
  • K.J. Bough, Patrick J. Matthews, D.A. Eagles. (2000) A ketogenic diet has different effects upon seizures induced by maximal electroshock and by pentylenetetrazole infusion. Epilepsy Research. 28, 105-114
  • Schulte, A.M. C. Malerczyk, R. Cabal-Manzano, Jason J. Gajarsa, H.J. List, A.T. Riegel, A. Wellstein (2000) Influence of the human endogenous retrovirus-like element HERV-E.PTN on the expression of growth factor pleiotrophin: a critical role of a retroviral Sp1-binding site. Oncogene 19: 3988-3998
  • Houghtling, R.A., R.D. Mellon, Roderick J. Tan, and B.M. Bayer (2000) acute effects of morphine on blood lymphocyte proliferation and plasma IL-6 levels. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 917: 771-777. 
  • J. Zhao, E. Ramadan, Marisa Cappiello, B. Wroblewska, T. Bzdega and J.H. Neale (2001) NAAG inhibits KCl-induced [3H]-GABA release via mGluR3, cAMP, PKA and L-type calcium conductance. European Journal of Neuroscience 13: 340-346. 
  • G. B. Chapman, Elizabeth J. Buerkle, E. M. Barrows, R.E. Davis, and E.L. Dally (2001) A light and transmission electron microscope study of a black locust tree, Robinia pseudoacacia (Fabaceae), affected with witches’-broom, and classification of the associated phytoplasma. Journal of Phytopathology 149: 589-597. 
  • K.J. Bough, Kirana Gudi, F. T. Han, Alyssa H. Rathod, D.A. Eagles (2002) An anticonvulsant profile of the ketogenic diet in the rat. Epilepsy Research 50: 313-325.

Class 1998

  • Wu, S.M., M. Jose, Karen Hallermeier, O.M. Rennert, and W.Y. Chan (1998) Polymorphisms in the coding exons of the human luteinizing hormone receptor gene. Human Mutations 11: 333-334. 
  • Wu, S.M., Karen M. Hallermeier, L. Laue, C. Brain, A.C. Berry, D.B. Grant, J.E. Griffin, J.D. Wilson, G.B. Cutler, Jr. and W.Y Chan (1998) Inactivatio of the luteinizing hormone/chorionic gonadotropin receptor by an insertional mutation in Leydig cell hypoplasia. Molecular Endocrinology 12: 1651-1660. 
  • Wu, S.M., C.A. Stratakis, C.H. Chan, Karen M. Hallermeier, C.J. Bourdony, O.M. Rennert, and W.Y. Chan (1998) Genetic heterogeneity of adrenocorticotropin (ACTH) resistance syndromes: identification of a novel mutation of the ACTH receptor gene in hereditary glucocorticoid deficiency. Molecular Genetics of Metabolism 64: 256-265. 
  • G.B. Chapman and Cherine A. Abu-Eid (2000) The proventriculus of the carpenter bee, Xylocopa virginica virginica (L.), with special reference to bacteria-containing luminal tunnels. Invertebrate Biology 120: 78-87. 
  • Eric Lind, M. T. Jones, J. D. Long, and M. R. Weiss (2001) Ontogenetic changes in leaf shelter construction by larvae of the silver-spotted skipper, Epargyreus clarus. Journal of the Lepidopterist’s Society 54: 77-82. 
  • M.R. Weiss, Eric M. Lind, M. T. Jones, J. D. Long, and J. L. Maupin. (2004) Uniformity of leaf shelter construction by early-instar larvae of Epargyreus clarus (Hesperiidae), the silver-spotted skipper. Journal of Insect Behavior.

Class of 1997

  • R.L.Meighan-Mantha, A.T. Riegel, S. Suy, V. Harris, F.-H. Wang, Christopher Lozano, T.L. Whiteside and U. Kasid (1999) Ionizing radiation stimulates octamer factor DNA binding activity in human carcinoma cells. Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry 199: 209-215. 
  • List, H.J., Christopher Lozano, J. Lu, M. Danielsen, A. Wellstein and A.T. Riegel (1999) Comparison of chromatin remodeling and transcriptional activation of the mouse mammary tumor virus promoter by the androgen and glucocorticoid receptor. Experimental Cell Research 250: 414-422. 
  • Jennifer M. Ellis, S.J. Mack, R.F.G. Leke, I. Quakyi, A.H. Johnson and C.K. Hurley (2000) Diversity is demonstrated in class I HLA-A and HLA-B alleles in Cameroon, Africa: description of HLA-A*03012, *2612, *3006 and HLA-B*1403, *4016, *4703. Tissue Antigens 56: 291-302.

Class of 1996

  • G. Chapman and Elizabeth G. Johnson (1997). An electron microscope study of intrusions into alarm substance cells of the channel catfish. Journal of Fish Biology 51: 503-514. 
  • B. Wroblewska, J. Wroblewski, S. Pshenickin, A. Surin, Suzanne Sullivan and J. H. Neale (1997) NAAG selectively activates mGluR3 receptors in transfected cells. Journal of Neurochemistry 69: 174-181.